Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I was a bitter kid in high school, with some very jaded friends. One day, two of my friends--who will remain anonymous--and I were sitting around the lunch table when one of my friends said "You know what, we should create a misogynist's club," and I, in my infinite wisdom said "Yea, we could call ourselves the three masseuses!" Of course I attempted making a brilliant pun on "The Three Stooges," (never mind a masseuse is female) only to find that I made an equally ignorant, but hilarious, malapropism on the word misogynist. After hours of derision, I discovered that misogynist is someone who hates the female race, and has absolutely nothing to do with massages. In essence my friends said "Hey let's create a club for jaded guys who hate women," while I was saying "Yea, and we could call ourselves the three girls that give massages!" In the preceding blog post, I intended the word misogynist to be a malaproptastic throw back to the glory days of high school.

The misspelling of dam however...

I can't explain it really; I never set out to misspell dam or introduce PG rated cuss words into my blog. I don't know what brought it on. It's been fifteen years since I contemplated how adding "n" to a word makes it dirty, or rather how the subtracting "n" from a word can make it clean. However, I have to admit, the entire time I was writing yesterday's post, there was a transcendent mother figure in the back of my head screaming "You shouldn't use that word in your blog! That word is too close to a dirty word! Do you know who reads this thing?! What if they skimmed over the paragraph, read it wrong, and thought you meant the bad word?" To which I replied (to the transcendent mother figure in the back of my head) "What am I, seven? Damn is not a bad word!"

Apparently I never overcame those language insecurities: I subconsciously misspelled dam five times, reread the post two times, and didn't notice my mistake until some friends pointed it out the next morning (at that point I screamed "Mother I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it mother!).

It's only a matter of time before I dress up like my transcendent mother figure, take my dictionary to the shower, and slice it up with the huge butcher knife.

But, I feel I have to explain this thoroughly, because in misspelling dam I inadvertently stuck two malapropisms in one blog post where I only attended one. One was glaring (Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!) while the other is easily missed unless you are writing a term paper on Web Log of Madman. With that being said "damgate" as I would like to call it, was totally unplanned and slightly hilarious. That was the point of this post.

Of course, I now feel like that shrink that arrives, explains everything that has happened in the last ninety minutes, and kills all the fun and suspense of a slightly funny and delightfully ambiguous blog post. Oh well, have a good day.

"I'll see you in the morning if nothing happens."

P.s. Dictionary? I wouldn't even harm a fly.

p.s.s. Ok. So I've waited twenty minutes for one of the 18 flies in my apartment to land on my hand so I could type "There is a fly crawling on my hand right now; creepy." But the little buggers arn't being friendly tonight. Sometimes things just don't go your way.


Deb said...

I'm still waiting for the book. You are so funny and you make me laugh while I am reading your logs. I especially like the mother over the shoulder part as all mothers are there when their children use words they don't appreciate them using, especially those children whom we have brought up to know better! But, sometimes the hands type what the mind wants to say.

I love you Jonathan and am glad your trip was enjoyable.

Aunt Deb

jason said...

Best post ever. By far.