Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Inspectors

They have arrived.

They have arrived in their black audis with their blue briefcases. State inspectors. This week Enshi Vocational and Technical college is being inspected by the government to approve a massive amount of funding and increase the status of the school one level. The adminstration has been preparing for this for two years. Everyone is on edge, and in a few short hours a state inspector will be sitting in on my class room evaluating my performance.

When Haley and I were walking to class this morning, we ran into our translator who said "The experts have begun entering the classrooms." Sounds ominous doesn't it?

We have been told (of course) to not worry about it. And I seriously doubt that the performance of one twenty-two year old American is going to derail two years worth of work. The administration knows what they are supposed to do, and I don't. So I am going to teach, with enthusiasm. And hope that the inspector doesn't speak English. And what's the worst that can happen, they fire me and send me home? I'm blacklisted from Enshi for the rest of my life? ("Why yes, well you see, there is small town in China that I can never vist again. Those were hard times. I'd rather not talk about it.") I'll keep you updated. Edge-of-your-seat excitment I know.

"I'll see you in the morning if nothing happens"

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